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Decoding Weekend Worry: The Hidden Struggles of Free Time

anxiety worrying Jun 21, 2024

 Sometimes, you can actually get more down on the weekend.

You look forward to time off, but when it arrives, sometimes you just aren’t that happy because your time isn’t structured.

Unfortunately, sometimes extra time to lie around and relax equals extra time to ruminate and worry. And worrying leads to depression and anxiety.

So we have to attack the weekend doldrums first by reducing the worry.

That is what’s at the root of anxiety, depression and THE FUNK!




Give yourself one point for each.


  • I put off work during the week and think I’ll get it done during the weekend.
  • If I don’t have a planned activity, my weekend sucks.
  • I feel disappointed and frustrated when my weekend doesn’t meet my expectations.
  • I feel that I have to accomplish something for it to be a good weekend.
  • I find myself worrying about the past week and about the coming week.
  • Small setbacks or disappointments throw off my whole weekend.


Find your score below!


If you scored 0: You’re a weekend warrior! Keep it up, you animal!

If you scored 1-2: You’re almost there! Get some physical activity. When you notice the funk starting to get to you, grab a distracting activity that you enjoy. If that does not do the trick, then get outside of your house to take a walk, not even a long one, and then come back. It will help your perspective. Then plan a treat for yourself that afternoon.

If you scored 3-4: You are at risk for getting yourself into a major funk. Exercise each weekend morning to help get those endorphins going, which will help your mood right off! And when you feel that constant anxiety, worry, and funk setting in, change your environment! Get another perspective! Whether that cognitive shift is from going to lunch, buying a craft, or going for a walk and calling a friend, you need to get out of your head! Then, when you get back inside, make plans for the afternoon. And make sure that fun is involved!

If you scored 5-6: You need to turn these weekends around! Write out a schedule to structure your time. Get most of your work done during the week, with specific times for non-fun activities. If you need to do work around the house, make certain times for that, too. Plan your fun ahead of time, during the week, whether it’s with friends or fun errands you want to run. Make your weekend time a priority, not an afterthought! Don’t let the weekend woes win!


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