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ADHD and The Funk Part 2

adhd depression funk Apr 23, 2024

People With ADHD Get Beat Up!


It takes more energy to focus with ADHD and it's exhausting. 😩 People use all of their reserves and energy to focus all day. They have drained all of their energies⚡️and reached their bandwidth. But then there's a huge to do list 🙉when they get home! And it is so much more difficult to not get into a funk when you are exhausted. 😰


People with ADHD also get more frustrated with themselves than anyone else. They beat up on themselves for ADHD symptoms like inattentiveness, overlooking details, losing focus, having to ask for things to be repeated,👂mot being able to find things in the pantry, making little mistakes with reservations or planning.

If you missed my previous post, "ADHD and The Funk Part 1," I explored the various reasons why individuals with ADHD often struggle with the funk. From the lack of insight into how their behaviors affect others to the awareness of negative reactions and frequent trouble during childhood, ADHD can significantly impact emotional well-being.

If you find yourself nodding along to these struggles, you're not alone. Living with ADHD and battling depression can be overwhelming, but there is hope. In my book and video course, "Funk to Fabulous in 14 Days," I share practical tips and strategies to help you reclaim your energy and find joy in everyday life.

Want to get started right away? Sign up and get the Day 1 of the video series for free! Discover how to break free from the funk and start your journey to fabulous. Don't wait—your transformation begins today!

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